Czarci Młyn w Świeradowie Zdroju
Czarci Młyn w Świeradowie Zdroju

Workshops cost: 35,00PLN/person

Duration: 90 minutes

Group size: up to 15 people, min. 5 people

In the old tmes, when there were very few medics, a similar role had to be played by wise women who knew how to alleviate illness, help in suffering and relieve pain. One of the largest such groups are miners’ wives. 

Our Witch of Izera Mountains will tell you about the properties of plants that seem to us an ordinary weed. You will learn about dandelion, benefits of a stinging nettle salad and how to prepare it in a way that prevents nettle from hurting you, you will smell various herbal teas and learn of useful properties of various plants. Note that it is better not to consume them without consulting a professional, because some are very similar to poisonous ones.

Workshops are held throughout the summer, after booking.

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